Self-government Elections
Student self-government elections were held at the Georgian-American School of Batumi.
The elections were held in two stages. In the first stage, elementary and secondary level students elected the members of the self-government of the class, who will work in the student self-governing council, and in the second stage, the presidents of the elementary and secondary levels of the school were elected.
As a result, Shotiko Dumbadze - Grade XIIa was elected as the president of the students' self-government, and Viviana Tsintsadze - class VIIIa as the deputy.
Members of the Student Self-Government Council became:
- Barbara Beridze - Grade VIIa;
- Cecily Jackeli - Grade VIIb;
- Viviana Tsintsadze - Grade VIIIa ;
- Mariam Kasradze - Grade VIIIb;
- Gabriel Khakhnelidze - GradeIX ;
- Sofio Tshekladze - Grade IXb;
- Mariam Abgarian - Grade X;
- Davit Dumbadze - Grade XI;
- Viktoria Tshekladze - Grade XIb ;
- Shotiko Dumbadze - Grade XII.
The elections were held on the basis of equality, by secret ballot, transparency and the principles of equal representation of students according to classes. Student self-government elections are important for raising the civic awareness of the school community and forming democratic values, as well as for raising the motivation of students so that they are actively involved in school life, implement various projects, show initiatives, create school clubs, etc.
On behalf of the school directorate and administration, we congratulate the new self-government team on their victory and wish them fruitful and fruitful work during the year.